Pupil Menu
Summer Term 2024
Our school meals are nutritionally balanced and include a range of traditional favourites as well as some exciting new options, introduced to keep the menu fresh. School meals are run on a three-week rota and the menu is changed termly.
Payment of Dinner Money
The School Office is no longer able to take money or give change for school meals. All payments are to be made via ParentPay. If you need assistance, please contact the school.
Where possible please make advance payment which can be credited to the following week/term.
Dinner Money is currently £10.50 per week which can be paid weekly, monthly, half termly or termly.
Please note children cannot have one-off single dinners. Changes to children’s choice of either school meal or packed lunch can only be made at the start of each half term. If you decide that your child will change from one option to another, you must stay with this decision until half term.
Gwenneth Rickus Menu 2024
Hawkshead Road Menu 2024