SG Sports Club Booking

SG Sports/Dance and Soccer School run a number of extra curriculum programs across London and Surrey.
Afterschool Club Sports Year 1-6
From Monday 25th April 2022, SG Sports will be running a number of extra curriculum programs after school for Years 1- 6 from 3:30pm-4:30pm. (both sites)
Years 1, 2 & 3 Multi-skills: Tuesday 26th April – Tuesday 12th July 2022
SG Sports bring you a Multi – sports session learning a range of sports throughout the term! Children will learn large ball skills and advanced movement in the following sports – Basketball, netball, Tag Rugby, Handball, futsul & dodgeball.
Years 4, 5 & 6 Soccer School: Monday 25th April – Monday 11th July 2022
SG Soccer School school brings elite coaching to leopold primary school. Functional movement plus technical development for keen squad players in years 5/6. Children will also learn game understanding and train to compete.
Sessions cost £50 for the term for Monday Soccer School and £55 for the term for Tuesday Multi Skills and can be booked online via the bookings button below.